Gay Alcorn, writing in The Age this morning, finds (national government broadcaster) ABC local radio station 774 on the slippery slide to fluffiness.
Im not sure what she was so upset about.
The ABC is a cultural institution in Australia. Those of us who love it do so with all our hearts. I have been a diehard listener to 3LO/774 since I got my first car in 1972. I had a 1962 Mini that I paid $300 dollars for and, as an electronics hobbyist, made the radio for it myself. Back in those days i was a new student at Monash University and listened to Terry Lane pioner talk back radio. I’m pretty happy with the station’s continued tradition of trying new ideas over that time.

Richard Stubbs, erstwhile popular funny man on commercial FM radio, is the station’s latest experiment. ‘Stubbsy’ doesn’t fit the profile of the typical conservative ABC presenter. He makes light of the day and perhaps makes the day a little lighter. He doesn’t take himself that seriously, perhaps subtely promoting the benefits of the approach to those with an overdose of the disease.
OK, back to Gay Alcorn.
She found Stubsy fairly frivolous. I heard the segment and it was not his most mentally challenging. It was light entertainment (but I’m also not sure there wasn’t some serious social comment behind it). She picked out the 15 minutes of light relief in Jon Faine’s three and a half hour program and branded him as “becoming fluffy”. After criticising Red Symmons (former Skyhooks member and commercial TV villain) for his background she finds that he is smart and has wit and enjoys him. Virginia Trioli, who to this listener has great talent but too often spoils it by trying to make a story out of nothing, is regarded by Alcron as the high point of the day. So to sum it all up – what’s the problem, Gay? You don’t like one new presenter.
Now if you really wanted to find fault with ABC programming, you should go after the removal of Clive Robertson from the ABC Classic FM breakfast slot.