is a serious blog. Certainly we don’t mind the odd bit of humour but in general we like to relate it to somewhat meaty issues.
We tried to have a serious dicussion about the issues around the kind of dresses worn by persons of the opposite … er … you know … oh dash let’s just say the opposite. We’re trying to avoid any words that are going to be picked up in search engines of those who search for those kinds of words.
Well in discussing the dress worn by one member of the said opposite to the awards ceremony of another certain type of person we noticed our hits going through the roof.
People of a certain kind were search for the name of a certain person of said opposite, who wore a garment of a certain colour and whose certain anatomical parts normally kept at least a little private were instead made rather public.
We were a little saddened by it actually.
After all the words put into political, social and organisational commentary, it was an attempt to analyse an important social phenomenom that resulted in our record for number of visitors being brocken. But elas, we can only presume that the rise was the result of people seeking gratification of more base desires.
Oh well ;-(