Be Courageous

Break the Boundaries

Create a Stand Out School


You know your school has the potential to be a Stand Out School but it’s being constrained by issues you don’t seem to be able to solve.

Let’s work together and find solutions.


Chris Curnow | Courageous Schools

There are countless books and articles about what so called successful leaders do that sets them apart. Feeding a fantasy that if only we could find out what these leaders DO and do it ourselves, we could emulate their success.

We can all learn a lot from these leaders but we can never BE them.

Over the last two years I have interviewed many school leaders. The thing that struck me through this process is how different they are. Some are quietly spoken and prefer not to be the focus of attention. Others find a natural place in being at the front. But the one thing that is common in all is their passion and a deep sense of purpose.

Believe me, I know how hard it is.

Do you have
๐Ÿ‘‰ disengaged students
๐Ÿ‘‰ low staff morale
๐Ÿ‘‰ staff division
๐Ÿ‘‰ difficulty attracting the right people
๐Ÿ‘‰ lack of innovation in your school
๐Ÿ‘‰ underperforming staff
๐Ÿ‘‰ low enrolments
amongst many other issues.

In my experience I have found there are always alternatives you havenโ€™t consciously thought of yet. The ideas are there somewhere but you just donโ€™t have time to fish them out.

I am passionate about helping school leaders find solutions to these seemingly intractable problems.


Meet Chris


* Experienced * Erudite * Wise * Gracious * Nurturing * Insightful * Caring * Innovatiove * Visionary

These are some of the words people Iโ€™ve worked with use to describe me.

Where others see problems, I see solutions.

I’ve done a lot in my 40 year career โ€“ from my early days in education, to founding tech startups and then working in consulting. Iโ€™ve been in boardrooms and executive suites, and I’ve also worked with factory workers, builders, salespeople, and lowly clerks who are also just ordinary people facing ordinary problems.

The problems leaders in these industries face are not very different from those faced by most school leaders. The single biggest issue they all face is ambiguity. No one knows for certain what the future holds, and no one knows for certain what to do next.

This is why I focus on courage.

I have never lost my enduring passion for education. Leaders in education need to act with courage just as much as leaders in any other organisation. We canโ€™t afford to get it wrong but we canโ€™t know for certain how to get it right.

I use all the qualities I began with to help you navigate the course ahead. Not knowing but doing anyway.ย 

Chris Curnow | Courageous Schools

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