An Amazing Experience
On October 2nd 2023, I was on an operating table at The Prince Charles Hospital in Brisbane, having a hip replacement following an accident on an e-scooter. On October 2nd 2024, I was sitting in a coffee shop at Brisbane Airport, waiting for Nathan to arrive so we...
Stories can heal divisions
I'm sure, like me, you've been to or in schools where there is a marked atmosphere of division. I've been in staffrooms in which no attempt is made to hide the open warfare. I've been in staffrooms where the atmosphere is so cold I feel like I am physically freezing....

Here's another student story. Most of the information in this story is in the public domain and comes from the article: So I am going to use this student's real name – in a minute. For the...
On a clear day you can see tomorrow
Strange thought perhaps, but think about it.
Pink Drive
Just been reading Dan Pink's latest book Drive - the surprising truth about what motivates us. One of those books I read to confirm everything I already believe about motivation.As Pink says, we've know what really motivates people for decades, but we still cling to...
What happens when purpose is forgotten?
Haven't been following Queensland much lately but wondered why everyone was saying Anna Bligh was so toxic in the state.Went searching and found this fascinating and articulate article on the topic.The biggest danger for political parties of all persuasions is a focus...
Netfix’s “bizarre holiday policy”
Netflix lets its staff take as much holiday as they want, whenever they want - and it works - read the full article by Daniel Pink here
The modern world began in 1919
“The Modern World began on 29 May 1919 when photographs of a solar eclipse, taken on the island of Principe off West Africa and at Sobral in Brazil, confirmed the truth of a new theory of the universe."1 The new theory of the universe was Einstein's General...
I finally got around to watching this talk by Seth Godin on Tribes this morning. It got me thinking about another discussion I've been having recently on Thought Leaders Central regarding the perennial Mac vs PC debate. We don't make buying decisions based on...
Symphony and the power of intention
In this article I discuss the connection between AWARENESS, INTENTION and SYMPHONY.When you walked in the front door of your office this morning what was in your mind? I'm guessing there were probably 101 things ranging from dealing with an under-performing staff...