Fuzzy thinking is just fuzzy thinking

Kevin Donnelly demonstrates just how fuzzy is his own thinking in Fuzzy thinking leads to failure in The Age Education Supplement today. His opening few paras aren’t too bad. He’s spot on when he quotes Ken Rowe’s research that the main determinant...

Fast Company on Whole Foods

Check out this Fast Company article on Whole Foods which, in Jason Kottke’s words, “[is a] successful blend of hard-core capitalism and social responsibility.” (via Kottke) Hopefully we will get around to some more commentary on this article a bit...

School is the worst years of your life

Michael Carr-Gregg has a thoughtful piece — Making Schools more Boy–Friendly — in The Age this morning. I value Carr-Gregg’s ten suggestions. I note that most of them apply equally to girls. Perhaps he could have titled it “Making schools more...