Csikszentmihalyi and Flow

If we’re so rich, why aren’t we happy? Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (pronounced chick-sent-me-high-ee), C.S. and D.J. Davidson Professor of Psychology and Management at The Drucker School, Claremont Graduate University, is mainly known for his work in flow in...

Max Weber and the Spirit of Capitalism

I’ve come across the work of the sociologist, Max Weber, a couple of times recently. Firstly, in their book, Why Should Anyone be Led by You?, Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones talk about the implications of Weber’s thinking for Leadership in business. I hope to...

Lost Opportunities

My Dad was a fitter and turner, toolmaker and maintenance fitter. He was exceptionally good at his trade. Dad could make anything involving metal and would prefer to make it rather than buy it. As I was growing up and developing an interest in science and electronics,...

Starting Over

For the last twelve months at least The Spiral Path has gone the way of many blogs. I started out enthusiastically, but then other things overtook me. For one thing I noticed I was spending a lot of time blogging and not enough time earning money. Well I am going to...