Extroverted Introvert

Calendar Girl remakrs that “she is as introverted as she is extroverted. ” chriscurnow.com never thought of that possibility before. For most of his life he has regarded himself as introverted on the basis of his shyness. More recently he has become...

Time to be idle

Maybe it’s our age, but chriscurnow.com feels he needs more time to be idle. Don’t get us wrong. We don’t ever want to stop working. We have an ambition to be still working into our 80s. However we want to do a different type of work. Sitting and...

The world didn’t stop

The other day I saw a duck … It was dead. But The world didn’t stop I did. But everyone kept going I laughed. No-one else laughed Because they though it was funny It was sad Wasn’t it? Chris Curnow,...

Can education replace the law?

The federal government’s proposal to remove unfair dismissal provisions for companies with less than 100 employees certainly has a lot of people talking. This segment on ABC radio’s pm program tonight discusses the possibility that Tasmania may become the...

Men, Cars & Cooking

In her latest BOSS Endnote, the always interesting Amanda Sinclair. currently occupying a visiting position at the Judge Institute of Management at Cambridge Univeristy, points to a profound social phenomenom currently taking place in Britain. The machine is being...