Regular readers of will know that one of our goals is to support greater mutual understanding between men and women (and peoples of all kinds, races and backgrounds for that matter.)
I have recently come across The Breast Blog – an enterprise of Sue Richards in Canada. This is a Blog dedicated to issues around breasts as seen by women. If you’re looking for titilation, you won’t find it here. This is by women for women. But it is also good for men to read.
Goodness knows, most of us spend enough time looking at breasts, wouldn’t it be good to find out what women think about that – among other things?
Another of Sue’s projects is the Breast of Canada calendar. You’ll see I’ve added a link on the left. Here is the descripttion in her own words:

Breast of Canada is an elegant, fine art photography calendar designed to inspire you to greater awareness about breast health and breast cancer prevention. Artist created and grassroots based. Absolutely guaranteed to inspire conversation.

Having spent a couple of hours browsing Sue’s site, I have no hesitation in recommending it.
Please though, if you want leave “ga ga, lower brain dribble” [as Sue calls it], go somewhere else.