Photo Album is now working

You’ll see a new link on the right – Photo Album. I still need to do some work on this but I think I’ve solved all the technical issues. Again – blogging as Therapy. Thanks again to Elise

The real purpose of organisations

Subtitle: I’ll never look at Birkenstock the same way again I pinched this title from a paper by Art Kleiner of roughly the same name. I’ll come back to Kleiner shortly. Jason Kottke, led me to thinking about this with a reference to a Michael...

Sometimes there’s just to much else to do

No great perl’s of wisdom today. I’ve spent all night getting Image::Magick installed and then setting up a test photoblog. As always there is a lot of debugging to do and I’ve just done it. I’ve set up a test photoblog with two photos in it....

Blogging as therapy

Setting up this weblog has been a therapeutic experience for me. It’s been an experience that has brought many parts of my self together. Bleeding Edge has some interesting comment on the culture and purpose of blogging. There is something real about ordinary...

Off the couch into the conference room

You will see a link on the right to ‘Orgdyne’. This list is about organisational dynamics with a particular emphais on a psychodynamic approach to organisations. The list is moderated by Anil Behal who recently started a thread with the same title as this...