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Oz Bloggers’ Conference

Bleeding Edge points out that Mark Stanic is running a survey on who would like to attend an Australian conference on Blogging. I think it would be a great idea. Some of the topics I would like to discuss with others include: What drive us to do it? (My #1 topic by...

Who is demeaned by flashes of flesh?

Andrew Bolt normally makes my blood boil. He’s probably Melbourne’s most right wing columnist. I’m never quite sure how much he believes what he writes or whether he just likes baiting those of us on the left. So I was surprised to find myself...

Are Women ‘accessories’ to men’s sport?

According to Melbourne ABC talkback host Jon Faine we’re finishing the AFL season where we started with an emphasis on treating women as sex objects. This is Grand Final week in Melbourne. The week of weeks for the season in the home of the AFL. The city goes...

More on Breasts – what men really think

The Breast Book Maura Spiegel & Lithe Sebesta   I was walking along the beach one day during my January holiday earlier this year. I like to walk from one end of the beach to the other each day. The forty minutes it takes is good thinking and relaxing time....