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Mangers not MBAs

Henry Mintzberg Here’s a book I haven’t read but it is on my wish list. Mintzberg is one of my favourite authors. I’m not sure if I have ever held MBAs in high regard. From the reviews I’ve read Mintzberg is offering his insight into what is...

Howard re-elected

Australian Prime Minister, John Howard, has been relected. commentary at Bleeding Edge, as usual, has some insightful comments.

That dress is a serious blog. Certainly we don’t mind the odd bit of humour but in general we like to relate it to somewhat meaty issues. We tried to have a serious dicussion about the issues around the kind of dresses worn by persons of the opposite...

Blogging & personal crises

What is it about blogging and personal crises. We notice that Bleeding Edge was constrained by a personal crisis a while back. Now has been struck by one. Not the worst personal crisis we have suffered in our lives, but stressful and time consuming...