Changed Perspectives

It’s amazing how a seemingly small event can so profoundly change your perspective. Two events have had this impact on me in the past week. The one that made me think about this post was actually the second event – the resignation of Margaret Jackson as...

Avoiding Boring Meetings

Leon Gettler has a good piece on meetings here. The trouble with meetings is not meetings themselves but the people who attend them. None of us say what we really think. Although how we create an environment in which it is OK to say what we think is another matter....

Lucky Entrepreneurs

What type of person makes a good entrepreneur? I am currently a student at the Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship. It won’t suprise you to know that we spent one semester studying Entrepreneurship and Innovation. One of the big questions of the...

Churchill’s never give-in speech

I have often retold the story of Winston Churchill visiting his old school, Harrow during the second world war. According the story, the boys were told that Churchill, as Prime Minister of Great Britain was a very wise man and they should listen very carefully to what...

65 Roses Day Volunteers

I just received this email from Cystic Fibrosis Victoria: CAN YOU = HELP? We would love the support of volunteers to help us = promote National Awareness of cystic fibrosis on 65 Roses Day, Friday May = 25. We need volunteers to = help at 14 locations around the CBD...