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I finally got around to watching this talk by Seth Godin on Tribes this morning. It got me thinking about another discussion I’ve been having recently on Thought Leaders Central regarding the perennial Mac vs PC debate. We don’t make buying decisions...

Silicon Valley sidelines best talent

The NYT article here raises two issues dear to our hearts at The Spiral Path: discrimination against women in the workplace and cultures that frustrate innovation. In another string to the argument business is irrational and makes decisions that hinder productivity...

Lucky Entrepreneurs

What type of person makes a good entrepreneur? I am currently a student at the Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship. It won’t suprise you to know that we spent one semester studying Entrepreneurship and Innovation. One of the big questions of the...

Private Equity

Unless you’ve been asleep, hibernating, or out of the country for the last 12 months, you will be well aware that the Private Equity phenomenon has well and truly hit Australia. I can’t remember when it actually hit my radar, but the KKR bid for Coles...