by chriscurnow | Jun 14, 2006 | Uncategorized
When my children were young I used to read them a story written in verse about a bright yellow rope. It describes a young boy, Sylvester, who finds a yellow rope on the road and immediately comes across someone who’s wagon has fallen in a ditch. The boy then...
by chriscurnow | May 7, 2006 | Uncategorized
I was roused by a couple of articles that came across my desk this week to think again about the prevailing myth of heroic corporate leadership – particularly heroic CEOs. First was the following headline in the Australian Financial Review on Wednesday: Dragon...
by chriscurnow | Apr 16, 2006 | Uncategorized
It’s Easter. In Melbourne Easter traditionally marks the final end of summer regardless of what the weather is like. Sometimes we will get a warm Easter and sometimes it will be quite wintery. This Easter has been more wintery than warm. I started out with a...
by chriscurnow | Apr 16, 2006 | Uncategorized
In this Human Relations piece [subscription required] ISPSO associate James Krantz argues that “betrayal is an essential element of leadership and organizational change.” He suggests that during significant change “decisions that breach existing...
by chriscurnow | Feb 22, 2006 | Uncategorized
Although I haven’t followed his career closely Don Argus has always struck me as a deep and broad minded thinker. There are other powerful CEOs and chairmen that don’t evoke the same confidence in their ability to think beyond profit and power. A certain...