Deep Conversations

A colleague and I are currently planning a forum for leaders. At our most recent planning session, my colleague brought along her copy of Synchronicty. A book I love but had allowed to slip to the back of my mind. I had lent my copy to a friend so hadn’t read it...

The young rich paupers this week finally got around to opening his copy of BRW’s Young Rich issue. In many ways it’s hard going. Lots of thirty year-olds giving the secrets of their “success”. As if these 30 y.o.’s know what...

New category in Bookshelf

I have found an increasing number of books on my bookshelf in the category “waiting to be read.” I keep buying books even though I don’t have time to read them all. Talking to a few people over the weekend, I realise this is a common problem. As a...

Policy vs Public Administration

Dr Patrick Coghlan, National Transplantation Services Manager, Australian Red Cross Blood Service, raised a wide range of ethical issues and challenges for organisation development practitioners at the OD Australia AGM last Wednesday. One of the many that raised our...