Does God Play Dice?

Modern Physics has long done away with the notion that we can know anything with certainty yet most management theories and practice seem to be based on a Newtonian view of ‘knowability’. True leadership recognises that we never know what to do but this...

Changes at The Spiral Path

Big changes are happening at The Spiral Path. I have moved the blog to a much more robust server. Some of you have reported some problems with links to the site. That should pretty much be a thing of the past. The elves are still working away at tweaking everything...

Csikszentmihalyi and Flow

If we’re so rich, why aren’t we happy? Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (pronounced chick-sent-me-high-ee), C.S. and D.J. Davidson Professor of Psychology and Management at The Drucker School, Claremont Graduate University, is mainly known for his work in flow in...

Max Weber and the Spirit of Capitalism

I’ve come across the work of the sociologist, Max Weber, a couple of times recently. Firstly, in their book, Why Should Anyone be Led by You?, Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones talk about the implications of Weber’s thinking for Leadership in business. I hope to...