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Holden finds soft stuff is the hard stuff

Holden is not exactly the environment you expect to see Emotional Intelligence high on the agenda. But according to Catherine Fox’s piece in the August edition of BOSS magazine that’s been a key ingredient in getting Holden’s latest V6 production...

Howard calls Election

In breaking news just announced, John Howard will become the first ‘Coalition of the Willing’ leader to face an election on October 9. See national broadcaster ABC’s coverage here. The latest Morgan opinion poll is bad news for Howard, but apparently...

Surowiecki on the Google IPO

Kottke notes that James Surowiecki has finally weighed in on the Google IPO. Surowiecki comments: When Google went public on Thursday, it immediately became one of the most highly valued companies in the world. Sergey Brin and Larry Page, its co-founders, are now...

30 Years

No posts today. Mr and Mrs have been married 30 years today and we’re out celebrating.

Executive Leadership and IT

Applied Abstractions has a report on the symposium Executive Leadership and Information Technology – A Fragile Dance. Just a couple of quotes: Jim Cash considers IT-business-alignment – the notion that the business should come up with a strategy, and IT...