by chriscurnow | Mar 3, 2007 | Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Purpose
Unless you’ve been asleep, hibernating, or out of the country for the last 12 months, you will be well aware that the Private Equity phenomenon has well and truly hit Australia. I can’t remember when it actually hit my radar, but the KKR bid for Coles...
by chriscurnow | Jan 18, 2007 | Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Quantum Leadership
Julian Lippi’s PhD thesis has been a rich source of reflection for me over the last few days. Today, I was caused to think about mistakes I’ve made both in my professional career and in my personal relationships. I was reading Jenny’s story where she...
by chriscurnow | Jan 18, 2007 | Mentor and Coach
I’ve just been reading about structure in coaching/mentoring relationships. The comment that jumped out at me was: You know, I think [structure]’s a bit of a security blanket for me because I am a person who likes a bit of structure. And for those people...
by chriscurnow | Jan 13, 2007 | Change
What happens when our routine changes? How much are you a creature of routine? Personally, I love tradition. When our children were young, one of the books we read about parenting suggested that one of the main jobs of parenting was to "make memories" for...
by chriscurnow | Nov 23, 2006 | Education
It is election time here in Victoria with Steady Steve and Big Ted fighting out to see who will govern our state for the next four years. On just about our favourite topic of all time — Education — it’s heartbreaking to see the two main political...